10-in-1 Mushroom Complex

Formulated to provide full-spectrum health benefits*

Take our mushroom complex daily to unlock a world of benefits

Immune Support*

Immune-enhancing compounds in mushrooms such as beta-glucans stimulate the activity of immune cells, promoting a more robust defense against pathogens*.

Enhance Memory & Clarity*

Lion's Mane mushroom contains compounds like hericenones and erinacines, which may support nerve growth and function, potentially enhancing cognitive abilities and contributing to brain health*.

Wellness & Vitality*

Provide a diverse array of nutrients, manage inflammation, boost energy and support overall well-being including respiratory and cardiovascular health*.

Antioxidant Protection*

Rich in antioxidants, particularly ergothioneine and glutathione, which play crucial roles in neutralizing free radicals and mitigating cell damage*.

Calm & Relaxation*

Help the body in adapting to stressors, maintaining hormonal balance and improving overall stress resilience*.

One bottle with all the goodness of



Vegan Friendly

Nothing derived from animals. Our mushroom complex is suitable for vegans.

A potent blend that provides 1300mg of mushrooms for each serving.

High Potency


Ingredient Highlights

ONLA Mushroom Max contains 10 nutrient-rich mushrooms meticulously selected for their unique benefits, see Supplement Facts for full ingredients list.

Cordyceps Sinensis

Neutralise cortisol level, modulate immune system, enhance energy levels and boost endurance*.


Promote mind relaxation, boost immune system, exhibit antioxidant properties and help reduce inflammation*.


Rich in essential nutrients and antioxidants, support immune system and healthy cholesterol levels*.

Lion's Mane

Enhance cognitive function, memory and mood balance through its neuroprotective and nootropic properties*.

ONLA Mushroom Max does not contain artificial coloring, flavoring, preservatives, GMO and 8 major allergens including gluten.

Quality Matters

All our products are made in the USA in FDA registered and cGMP compliant facility.